Safety Signage Singapore
Safety signage is the use of signs and symbols to convey the intended message to a specific group of people.
The main purpose of safety signage is to assist the receiver to see and understand what the symbol or message it conveys and make a decision based on the given information eg symbol of a staircase. At once, the receiver knows that there is an exit staircase where the sign is and decides whether to leave or remain in the building.
Safety signages are very useful for wayfinding in buildings such as on the one part of the building whereby it indicates the name of the building, level number, the name of the department, warning sign like Danger Zone, ‘no entry’ sign, etc. All these signs help and guide users to take which route to reach his destination safely without by-passing the dangerous area. These signs can vary in form and size based on intent and location. The newer displayed signs are in digital or electronic form. It’s always advisable to carry out signage audits on a regular basis to check all signs are relevant to potential risks and fully comprehensible.
Why is it important to have the safety signage?
Entrance to every exit on every floor there should be an exit sign placed over the exit doors. In long corridors, open floor areas, and all situations where the locations of the exits may not be readily visible, directional signs shall be provided to serve as guides from all portions of the corridors or floors. The colour of the exit signs must be in green and white. Signs that show the location and type of fire-fighting equipment are always in red.
Emergency exit signage should be fixed above the exit door or in a prominent spot where it is visible. There should also be sufficient signages leading to an escape route to guide the occupant where to go. Inaccurate signages could cause confusion in time of an emergency for the rescue operation. This causes serious delays for staff and visitors which in turn can be detrimental to lives and massive damages to property. It’s always advisable to carry out signage audits on a regular basis to check all signs are relevant to potential risks and fully comprehensible.
Exit Signs and Emergency Lighting
Why is it important to have Exit Signs and Emergency Lightings and illuminated at all times?
Emergency lighting is required for all commercial and industrial buildings. It is important to have adequate exit signs and emergency lightings along the escape routes and in essential service areas with all directional exit signs provided. If control switches are provided for the exit signs/emergency lightings, make sure such switches are accessible to authorized personnel. All these exit signs and emergency lightings are illuminated at all times and are connected to secondary power supply or battery operated.
There must be sufficient lighting at appropriate locations to allow the occupants to have adequate visibility to locate the exit and be guided to the exit locations for safe evacuation.
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