Standard , Portable and Travel First Aid Kit

Standby a first aid kit for any emergency

First Aid Kit Singapore

A first aid kit is a box or bag filled up with basic medical items that are used on the injured who sustains injuries after an accident or who suddenly becomes sick while waiting for professional help.

First aid is to render immediate aid to the injured or person in pain. A first aid kit is a box or bag filled up with basic medical items that are used on the injured who sustains injuries after an accident or who suddenly becomes sick while waiting for professional help. Proper first-aid given within the first few minutes of an accident is very crucial to the injured. It will prevent the injury and pain from aggravating. The requirement for first-aid treatment in the workplace is not new and having it available can save a life. When an accident occurs and injuries are inflicted, it is subjective to determine whether a fracture, a cut or even an allergic reaction is a major problem. However, if any of these events take place, you will be desperate to look for remedy immediately. The very instant response is to obtain relief straightaway. Under such circumstances, the first aid box comes in handy as help is ready.

Travel First Aid Kit

Travel first aid kit is also known as a personal first aid box that caters for personal or family use. Normally we will include our personal medication and other first aid supplies. Always check that your medication is sufficient during your travelling period and the expiry date of the medicine. Label them properly eg Grandfather or grandmother has different personal medication, the dosage is different and always be careful not to mess up with the medication as some of us may have drug allergic eg Aspirin, etc.

Portable First Aid Kit

Portable first aid kit is designed to be convenient to carry especially for outdoor activities e.g. campsite, sports, hiking etc. do check your first aid supplies is sufficient for the people that participate in the activities and also the expiry date of supplies.

Number of First Aid Boxes:

The number of first-aid boxes required depends on the physical layout of the premises and the number of employees. There should be at least one first-aid box on each floor of the premises. The total number of first-aid boxes required should be sufficient for use by all employees.

No of EmployeesNo & Types of First-Aid Boxes
Less than 25 employeesat least one Box A
Every 50 employeesat least one Box B
Every 100 employeesat least one Box C

Note:  One Box B is equivalent to two Box A

One Box C is equivalent to two Box B

A first-aid room is to be provided where there are more than 500 employees.

Contents of First-Aid Box: The required minimum contents of first-aid boxes are listed in the Table below.
First-aid boxes should not contain materials other than those required for first-aid treatment.It is essential that first-aid boxes be checked frequently to make sure they are fully equipped and all items are usable. Used or expired items should be replaced as soon as possible.

Minimum Content of First Aid Boxes

Box ABox BBox C
S/NoContents(for every 25 persons employed or less)(for every 50 persons employed or less)(for every 100 persons employed or less)
1Individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings204040
2Crepe bandage 5 cm124
3Crepe bandage 10 cm136
4Absorbent gauze (packets of ten pieces)51015
5Hypoallergenic tape112
6Triangular Bandages446
8Safety pins446
9Disposable gloves (pairs)224
11Eye pad246
12Resuscitation mask (one-way)112
13Sterile water or saline in 100 ml disposable containers (only where tap water is not available)133

Accessibility of First-Aid Boxes: The first-aid box should be labelled clearly and placed in an unmistakably identified, well-illuminated and easily accessible location. The first-aid box must be made of sturdy material and be portable so that it can be quickly taken to the site of an accident. Where the factory covers a large area, an adequate number of first-aid boxes should be provided and well distributed
throughout the premises. Employees should be informed of the location of all the first-aid boxes.

Number of First-Aiders to be appointed

Ratio of First-Aiders to the Number of Employees

Type of workplaceNo of employeesNo of first-aiders
Quarries, construction sites, shipyards, petroleum refineries, woodworking factories26 – 100one
More than 100one for every 100 persons employed or less
All other factories and workplaces covered under the Regulations26 – 100one
More than 100one for every 150 persons employed or less

Shift Work
If there is a shift work schedule, there must be a sufficient number of first-aiders corresponding to the number of employees working on that shift to provide adequate coverage for each shift.

Availability of First-Aiders
The names and where the first-aiders normally work must be displayed on a notice in a prominent location in the workplace.

The name First Responder implies that in a given situation, the first responder is supposed to respond first to the request call as soon as possible. Let’s take the example of a road accident. The contents of the kits for the first responder is much different as it caters almost to a level of medical emergency needs. It is understood that there are some special items carried by the first responder such as flashlights, emergency shears or saws, large bags with multiple compartments. Under such circumstances where the casualty was trapped in the car and rescue works has to be carried out first using the hydraulic lift to free the casualty. Besides, essential medical items like blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes for measuring and monitoring are to be packed in the kit for the Medic Responder.

If there is an Emergency

When there is an emergency on hand, dial 995 to call for an SCDF ambulance.   

If there is a Non-Emergency

When a case is a non-emergency, the SCDF Emergency Medical Services must not be used. Every non-emergency case that SCDF attends to will compromise another one critical case who needs attention most immediately. For cases which do not require an emergency response, callers are advised to seek outpatient treatment at nearby clinics or a hospital using their own transport or the public transport system.

Alternatively, dial 1777 for a non-emergency ambulance.


Useful Numbers
Fire and Emergency Ambulance Services995
Non-Emergency Ambulance Service1777
SCDF Emergency SMS
 (specially catered for people having hard of hearing and/or have speech impairment (DHS)70995
Fire Hazard Reporting Line1800 280 0000
SCDF General Enquiries1800 286 5555
Police Hotline (general enquiries)1800 255 0000
Public Utilities Board (water supply matters)1800 225 5782
Public Utilities Board (electricity supply matters)1800 778 8888
City Gas (to report gas supply interruption/suspected gas leak)1800 7521800
Building & Construction Authority6325 7191
(to report structural defects in non-HDB buildings)6325 7393
HDB Essential Maintenance Service Unit (EMSU)1800 255 0000
(to report power failure and structural defects in HDB buildings;1800 255 0000
 the service number for your building can be found at the lift lobby)1800 255 0000


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